Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Major Themes in Much Ado About Nothing

Shakespeare’s treatment of love in ​Much Ado About Nothing​ differs from his other romantic comedies. Sure, it shares the same​ stagy plot, which finishes with the lovers finally getting together, but Shakespeare also mocks the conventions of courtly love that were popular at the time. Although Claudio and Hero’s marriage is central to the plot, their love at first sight–type of relationship is the least interesting one in the play. Instead, the audiences attention is drawn to Benedick and Beatrice’s unromantic backbiting. This relationship seems more believable and enduring because they are painted as a match of intellectual equals and dont fall in love with each other based on superficiality. By contrasting these two different types of love, Shakespeare manages to poke fun at the conventions of courtly, romantic love. Claudio uses highly contrived language when speaking of love, which is undermined by Benedick and Beatrice’s banter: â€Å"Can the world buy such a jewel?† says Claudio of Hero. â€Å"My dear Lady Disdain! Are you yet living?† says Benedick of Beatrice. As an audience, we are supposed to share Benedick’s frustration with Claudio’s transparent, pompous rhetoric of love: â€Å"He was wont to speak plain and to the purpose, like an honest man and a soldier...His words are a very fantastical banquet, just so many strange dishes.† DeceptionFor Bad and Good As the title suggests, there is a lot of fuss over very little in the play—after all, if Claudio weren’t so impetuous, Don John’s rather weak plan to ruin Don Pedros reputation and disrupt the marriage of Claudio and Hero wouldn’t have worked at all. What makes the plot so intricate is the use of deception throughout, via trickery, lies, written messages, eavesdropping, and spying. Back when the play was staged, the audience would have understood that title is also a pun on noting, or being observant, even bringing the deception theme into the title. (The words are thought to have been pronounced similarly back then.) The most obvious example of deception is when Don John falsely slanders Hero for his own mischief, which is countered by the friar’s plan to pretend Hero is dead. The manipulation of Hero from both sides renders her a passive character throughout the play. She does very little and becomes an interesting character only through the other character’s deceit.   Perception of Reality Deception is also used as a force for good in the play, as in Beatrice and Benedick’s scenes where they overhear conversations. Here, the device is used to great comic effect and to manipulate the two lovers into accepting each other. The use of deception in their storyline is necessary because it is the only way they could be convinced to allow love into their lives. Phrased another way, the theme could also be called one of perception, or how truth can differ from reality. Both couples have to discover the true nature of their beloved. It is interesting that all of Much Ado’s characters are so willing to be deceived: Claudio doesn’t stop to suspect Don John’s actions, both Benedick and Beatrice are willing to completely change their worldview after overhearing things about each other, and Claudio is willing to marry a complete stranger to appease Leonato. But, then again, it is a lighthearted Shakespearean comedy.

Monday, December 23, 2019

I Focus On Drinking For The West Bank s Water Supply Essay

Awela Musleh looks around her house during an interview with NPR News, ashamed of the disarray around her. Musleh is a mother of six, struggling to survive in the Palestinian-occupied West Bank, one of the most politically tumultuous regions of the world. â€Å"Look at how dirty my house is,† she tells Daniel Estrin, the host of the interview, â€Å"I focus on drinking, not cleaning.† Where she lives, water is a luxury. She relies on a few buckets of water to wash her dishes, shower by hand, and flush the toilet—buckets of water she bought from a truck that brings in water from other areas—trucks that are accused of such terrible price gouging, they’re outlawed in many Palestinian towns. But Musleh has no choice. Her town hasn’t had water for over two weeks. Since the 1950 Oslo Peace Agreement, Israel has had dominion over the West Bank’s water supply, NPR News notes. While theoretically, Israel is required to cooperate with Pales tinian authorities, given the political context of the region, it’s no surprise this isn’t the case. Instead, Mekorot, Israel’s national water company, has circumvented the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) and implemented shoddy water management techniques, vastly disadvantaging entire towns like Salfit. Al Jazeera reporter Sheren Khalel reports Salfit receives â€Å"between 30 and 40 percent of their normal water allowance.† Though COGAT, Israel’s Coordination of Government Authorities, says that such shortages are due to broken pipes, Khalel reportsShow MoreRelatedMultilateral Aid And Non Government Aid1123 Words   |  5 PagesThere are millions of people suffering in the world, just under 1 billion people live on less than 2 Australian dollars a day, over 2 billion do not have access to clean drinking water and roughly 150 million child are unable to attend school. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Mixture of Solid Particles Free Essays

In the recent years, the industrialization and urbanization of Indian society has led to an increase in the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere. Air pollution is defined as a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air which has harmful and poisonous effects. Various experiments and studies have shown that long term exposure to such air pollution can lead to serious health issues such as: aggravated cardiovascular and respiratory illness, accelerated aging of lungs, diseases like asthma, bronchitis, cancer and a shortened life span. We will write a custom essay sample on A Mixture of Solid Particles or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 12 million people die from environmental health risks annually. Air pollution has become the 4th highest risk factor for premature deaths.Such degradation in the air quality levels has made air pollution a serious threat at a global level, especially for the developing countries, towards the sustainability of mankind. This has grabbed the attention of public as well as the government agencies. An air quality index (AQI) is a parameter used by the government agencies to communicate to the public how polluted the air quality currently is and how polluted it is forecast to become. As the AQI of a region increases, an increasingly large percentage of population of that area will experience adverse health effects. Several projects have been launched to combat air pollution in all major countries worldwide. For e.g.: Hebei Air Pollution Prevention and Control Program (HAP- 2016:18) project in China to reduce the emissions of specific pollutants in Hebei; The Odd-Even Scheme implemented by the Indian Government in national capital Delhi (2016).There are ceaseless fighting efforts for air pollution reduction all around the world. As an endeavor on the course of machine learning based air quality forecasting, this report presents an initiative and algorithmic details of various statistical models in solving this challenging problem. The Machine Learning models used in this paper, to facilitate the prediction of pollutant concentrations, include: 1 Linear regression Logistic Regression Polynomial regression Random Forest Classification Decision Tree Regression Decision Tree Classification Support Vector regression Support Vector Classification KNN Classification We target our air pollution forecast to the city of Delhi, India as it is at the forefront for battling against air pollution. We focus on predicting the Air Quality Index (AQI) level of Delhi, as it is a quantitative method to profile air pollution level. In order to reduce the pollution levels in Delhi, we will be analyzing 5 pollutants and 5 other environment parameters responsible for increase in AQI levels. The fixed station data is taken for 3 stations namely: NSIT (Dwarka), RK Puram and Shadipur . Objectives: Compare results of Air Quality Index (AQI) values obtained by different regression models and then propose the best model. Classify the dataset into 5 different AQI categories, and then use Classification models to forecast the pollution category for next month. Analyze the most prominent pollutant, using Back Propagation, responsible for air pollution and suggest methods to control it. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II describes related work, and Section III provides background on data sources, participatory sensing systems and details the 5 regression and 5 classification models used in this study. Section IV describes the steps in our model, while model implementation and estimation accuracy is studied in Section V. The paper concludes in Section VI. RELATED WORKOver the years, several approaches have been used to predict the air pollution. These can be classified into the following categories: Numerical Methods: There are plenty of numerical models used to forecast pollution levels, often referred to as the Atmospheric dispersion Modeling. Some of the commonly used models are: Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled to Chemistry (WRF-Chem), Community Multi-scale Air Quality Model (CMAQ), Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx), NAQPMS, etc. Machine Learning Methods: Such methods are data-driven, in which a statistical model is trained on a dataset containing several pollutants responsible for an increase in AQI level. The model forms a pattern in the training data, and later uses it to predict the AQI level for next month. Some of the commonly used ML models are: Support Vector Regression (SVR), Decision Tree Regression (DTR), and Random Forest Regression (RFR). Some non–linear models i.e., Artificial Neural Networks have also be used to forecast the pollutant concentrations. Hybrid Methods: Hybrid methods have been extensively applied for air pollution forecasting in recent. To achieve an appropriate forecast, it is not just adopting one method. E.g.: To predict ozone concentrations, multiple linear regression and artificial neural networks are used simultaneously based on principal components. How to cite A Mixture of Solid Particles, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Hamilton Argues Against A Bill Of Rights Essay Example For Students

Hamilton Argues Against A Bill Of Rights Essay During the late 18th century the Antifederalists argued against the constitution on the grounds that it did not contain a bill of rights. They believed that without a list of personal freedoms, the new national government might abuse its powers and that the states would be immersed by an all to dominant and influential national government. The Antifederalists worried that the limits on direct voting and the long terms of the president and senators, supplied by the constitution, would create a population of elites and aristocrats, which in turn would eventually take away power from the people. They also feared that the president might become another monarch. In other words, the Antifederalists ultimately felt that the new Constitution was undemocratic. Supporters of a constitution, lacking a bill of rights, were called Federalists. The Federalists included members such as Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, whom wrote a series of essays that were designed to inform and persuade the public of their views pertaining to the issues of the day. Among these views was whether a bill of rights should be added to the constitution. The Federalists, via Alexander Hamilton, dealt with this issue in a foremost way in their 84th essay. In the 84th essay Hamilton begins by explaining that a bill of rights, which are in their origin, stipulations between kings and their subjects, abridgements of prerogative in favor of privilege, reservations of rights not surrendered to the prince. Therefore Hamilton states that bills of rights have no application to constitutions professedly founded upon the power of the people, and that under the constitution the people surrender nothing, and as they retain everything they have no need of particular reservations. Another argument used by Hamilton was reminding, those who criticize the constitution for lacking a Bill of Rights, that many of the state constitutions do not contain one either. He believes that the Constitution, as is, effectively includes a bill of rights. The constitution contained various provisions in favor of particular privileges and rights. Provisions such as the power to impeach, writ of habeas corpus, the allowance for no bill of attainder or ex post facto law, no granting of title of nobility, trials that shall be by a jury in the state which the crime was committed within, and that punishment for treason will not extend to family members of the person convicted of that crime. To Hamilton these privileges and rights amount to a bill of rights. Hamilton continues by writing the constitution of each State is its bill of rights. And that the proposed Constitution, if adopted, will be the bill of rights of the Union. Hamilton goes further and affirms that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution but would even be dangerous. Hamilton believes that a bill of rights would be dangerous because it would contain various exceptions to powers which are not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Hamilton then asks his readers to ponder if the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? Hamilton believes that if the constitution refers to not restraining the press that in effect it has conferred a regulating power. Using the provision against retraining the liberty of the press to point out how a bill of rights might be misused because it implies that a power to prescribe proper regulations concerning it was intend ed to be vested in the national government. I believe that Hamiltons argument against a bill of rights, in its basic sense, was that the federal government could only act where its power had been plainly spelled out in the constitution. .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 , .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 .postImageUrl , .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 , .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4:hover , .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4:visited , .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4:active { border:0!important; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4:active , .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4 .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc69500c6fd9737435fc6741e6192aef4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Genocide in Guatemala Essay I thoroughly disagree with Hamilton and find his arguments unconvincing. In order to reach his conclusions it seems as if he was looking the lens of his day and not through the lens of the future, like so many of his colleagues. To me it .

Friday, November 29, 2019

The feeling of Dead Society Poets Essay Example For Students

The feeling of Dead Society Poets Essay It Is a good movie for many stereotype teachers and parents to think about themselves. Although the final result of this movie is an unexpected tragedy, I believe that Mr.. Keating got a perfect success when most of the students stood on the desk; the respectful teacher is their captain In their whole life. He makes the students know what life is, to help more young people to find his own. Students set up Dead Poets Society to release themselves. Also, I believe that most of the students Like the teacher such as Mr.. Keating In nowadays. He encouraged confidence and enthusiasm, I hope that I can find myself, and do the best of myself with his Inspiration, and suck out all the marrow of life. However, he forgot to teach his students how to become brave enough to fight for their dreams or beautiful things. He should say: Never give up, just stand up and always keep smiling. You can become a fighter. Seeing the students named Neil dying for his dreams, I was reminded that my arenas seldom asked me to do things I had no interested in my past. We will write a custom essay on The feeling of Dead Society Poets specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now When I saw Nils father, a stubborn man, never allow Neil to act in the play which Neil like most. He is a man, not a product. How cans he stands being made into shapes as products? He has his own life and interested. No one is born to make another happy, we are born to make ourselves happy and enjoy the sweetie of the dreams we have in our heart. However, One of his classmates called Carbon said the teacher encouraged Neil should seek for his dream. Mr.. Keating should be blamed; actually I think not his fault but Nils father, his father arranged Nils life and his future, I think he was the person should be responsible for the Nils died. At last, I like this words I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the morrow of life, and not when I had come to die, discovered that I had not lived. I seize all the students can find out the meaning of life and do what they Interested in, what they like.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Effect of Temperature on Activity of Alcalase and Savinase Essays

Effect of Temperature on Activity of Alcalase and Savinase Essays Effect of Temperature on Activity of Alcalase and Savinase Paper Effect of Temperature on Activity of Alcalase and Savinase Paper Hypothesis The optimum temperatures of Alcalase and Savinase will be different. Above and below their optimum temperatures activity will decrease. Biological explanation This investigation is designed to look at the effect of temperature on the activity of the proteases Alcalase and Savinase. By the end of it I hope to know the optimum temperature of both proteases. The substrate I am going to use during the experiments is the protein gelatin, which is a translucent, colourless, brittle solid substance found in the collagen inside an animals’ connective tissues. In my experiments it is going to be in the form of a single, thin layer, used on the surface of photographic film. It is useful in photography because it acts as protein glue, sticking the silver halide crystals to the surface of the plastic film. I am using it in this form, as it is easy to see when the enzyme has digested the gelatin. This is because normally the surface of the gelatine-silver halide layer turns black when exposed to light. However, when the enzyme has removed the gelatin the black colouring will disappear and only the clear plastic will be visible. Therefore, it can be easily identified when the reaction between the enzyme and the gelatin is complete, so this form of gelatin is very appropriate. Alcalase is a high temperature protease, meaning it works best at high temperatures, so its optimum temperature must be fairly high in relative terms, taking into account that most biological enzymes have an optimum temperature of 37. 5Â °C. It is commonly found in soil. Due to it being a high temperature protease I would expect its activity to increase with the temperature up to its optimum temperature, which I think may be about 50Â °C. I predict its optimum temperature to be around this figure because the enzyme is used in washing powders and this is a reasonable temperature to washing clothes at. Savinase is a low temperature protease, meaning it works best at low temperatures, so its optimum temperature must be fairly low in relative terms, taking into account that most biological enzymes have an optimum temperature of 37. 5Â °C. It also is found in soil. Due to it being a low temperature protease I would expect its activity to decrease as the temperature increases once the temperature is above its optimum temperature. I think the optimum temperature will be about 30Â °C because this enzyme is also used in washing powder, but in special energy saving washing powder, which operates at 30Â °C. The proteases are able to break down the protein gelatin because they are specific to the reaction needing to take place. They are specific in that their active sites on the surface of the enzyme fit the gelatin substrate, fulfilling the lock and key hypothesis and forming an enzyme-substrate complex. The optimum temperature is the temperature at which these formations occur most efficiently, due to the enzymes active site being the most accurate shape to fit the substrate. Therefore, temperature affects the activity of enzymes by changing the shape of the active site, which means it is changing the tertiary structure of the enzyme. The tertiary structure is changed because the weak hydrogen bonds that hold the protein in its 3D helical shape are broken due to the heat. As well as the enzymes active site being the correct shape at the optimum temperature there is a better balance of kinetic energy, causing more collisions between enzyme and substrate and therefore more enzyme-substrate complexes are formed, increasing activity. At high temperatures in comparison with the optimum temperature the enzymes tertiary structure may change completely, disabling all activity, as the substrate won’t fit the active site. This is known as denaturation. However, at temperatures below the optimum, the tertiary structure of the enzyme isn’t altered and denaturation does not occur, it is simply a slower rate of reaction due to less kinetic energy and therefore reduced collisions between the enzymes and substrates. Apparatus *2 200cm3 Volumetric Flask – to hold the enzyme solutions *2 Stirring rods – to assist in covering film strips in solution *3 Boiling tubes – to hold strips of photographic film in water bath *Scissors – to cut photographic film *Ruler – to measure a length of photographic film *Stop clock – to time incubation period Balance accurate to 2d. p. – to weigh out mass of enzyme needed *Exposed, developed photographic film – as substrate *4g Encapsulated Alcalase – as high temperature protease enzyme *4g Encapsulated Savinase – as low temperature protease enzyme *Water bath – to incubate boiling tubes holding photographic film at temperatu res 30Â °C -100Â °C at 10Â °C intervals *400cm3 pH8. 0 buffer – to maintain a constant pH *2 200 cm3 Volumetric Flask – to measure the volume of buffer needed *Thermometer – to check temperature of solution when in water bath *Volumetric Pipette – to measure out the volume of enzyme needed Variables *Temperature – This is the only variable I will purposely change. I will do this by using a water bath at several different temperatures. These temperatures are 30Â °C, 40Â °C, 50Â °C, 60Â °C, 70Â °C, 80Â °C, 90Â °C and 100Â °C. Temperature must be controlled because to find the optimum temperature I need to try the above exact temperatures and if it wasn’t controlled to the exact temperature I couldn’t specify the exact optimum temperature. *pH – Must be kept constant. I will keep the pH optimised throughout using 200cm3 of pH8. 0 buffer. It must be kept constant to ensure fair results. *Enzyme concentration – Must be kept constant. I will use 4g of the encapsulated enzyme, made up to 200 cm3 of solution, where there will be a 2% concentration of the enzyme in all my experiments using a balance, accurate to 2d. p. Enzyme concentration needs to be kept constant because if there was a higher concentration in one experiment than in the other the rate of reaction may be increased or decreased in comparison to what it should have been, therefore the results will be affected and it will be an unfair test. Substrate concentration – Must be kept constant. I will use the same length and width of photographic film, measured using a ruler, in all my experiments. Substrate Concentration needs to be kept constant because if there was a higher concentration in one experiment than in the other the rate of reaction may be increased or decreased in comparison to what it should have been, therefore the results will be aff ected and it will be an unfair test. *Incubation period – This will change depending on how fast the rate of reaction is. The period will end as soon as the photographic film turns clear. The times are recorded and will form the basis of my results. *Reaction temperature – Will not be a constant time that it takes to heat the solution to the correct temperature before the film is added, but check must be made to see that it is at the correct temperature before the film is added. If it isn’t thoroughly heated through before the film is added then the results will be inaccurate, in that they will be lower than would be expected. I will check the temperature of the solution using a thermometer. *Volume of enzyme used – This will remain the same at 2cm3 throughout the whole investigation. I will keep it exactly the same using a 1cm3 volumetric pipette. It needs to be kept constant because if there is more enzyme solution in some experiments and less in others the rate of reaction and therefore the results will be affected, in that they may turn out to be lower than expected and become inaccurate. Exposure of film – All the photographic film used will be exposed in full sunlight prior to the investigation. The amount of light received needs to be the same for all the film used because if some is exposed to brighter light than others it will be more black in colour and therefore will need a longer or more vigorous reaction to make it totally clear, which could make results unreliable and inaccurate. Procedures 1. Set the water bath at 30Â °C. . Weigh out 4g of each enzyme and place in two 200cm3 v olumetric flasks. 3. Make up to the 200cm3 line on the flask with pH8. 0 buffer. 4. Add a lid to each flask and invert in turn to mix the substances thoroughly until enzymes are completely dissolved. 5. Cut off 3 strips of photographic film at 1cm in length and width. 6. Add 2cm3 of Alcalase and buffer solution to one boiling tube and 2cm3 of Savinase and buffer solution to the other. 7. Place the 2 boiling tubes in the water bath, along with an empty one for the control. 8. Leave them for 5 minutes and check the temperature with a thermometer to make sure the solutions are at the right temperature before adding the photographic film. 9. When the solutions are at the right temperature add a strip of photographic film to each boiling tube, making sure the strips have solution on the whole of them by using different stirring rods for the separate boiling tubes, to prod the strips down. 0. Start the stop clock and time how long it takes before the strip of photographic film has turned clear. 11. Record the time it took on the stop clock for the gelatin to be completely digested and the film to become clear. 12. Repeat steps 5 to 9 twice for the same temperature and decide on an average colour change for each enzyme and the control. 13. Set the water bath at 40Â °C, 50Â °C, 60Â °C, 70Â °C, 80Â °C, 90Â °C and 100Â °C repeating steps 5 to 10 for each temperature.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American History - 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

American History - 9 - Essay Example fact that this extra labor was a necessity and had to be provided from somewhere; hence, it was logical to turn to women in order to accomplish this task. Although there exist many images within the mind of the American history student with regards to the level and effect of this mobilization, one thing that should be carefully noted the fact that many of the jobs that have been typified and stereotyped with regards to women like Nancy the Riveter and others were more or less rare. Rather than such situations being the norm they were the exception. However, such a fact does not seek to delegitimize the fact that women participated heavily in sectors of production and the economy that they previously had not. This led to many things both before during and after the war’s conclusion. One of these was the fact that for the first time in American history women were able to actively pursue work outside the home as a means of both developing their horizons and pursuing a career. Although the topic of wartime propaganda has often been discussed in history courses and in society as a function of how governments seek to establish the idea of the â€Å"enemy† in the minds of their populace, the way in which segment 24-7 brought home the realization that the wartime machine actively sought to portray the Japanese (and to a lesser extent the Germans) as subhuman rapists and animals was especially striking. As such, equally captivating was the fact that topics as unrelated as venereal disease could be related somehow to the Axis Powers. In this way the populace can quickly form a strong and lasting link between every negative aspect of the current world and seek to attribute this in some way to â€Å"the enemy†. Although a great deal of academic ink has been expended in seeking to understand how Nazi Germany performed a similar effect within its own populace with relation to seeking to ascribe all of society’s ills upon the Jewish populations of Europe, fairly little

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Consumers Telephone Bills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Consumers Telephone Bills - Essay Example Therefore, the Kettles may be able to contest this bill. When a subscriber   is billed for calls that he or she did not make, then it is the telephone company (in this case DWI) that will have to absorb the cost of these calls.   However, there are also some aspects working in favor of DWI. The Wireless Telephone Protection Act has been signed into law on April 24, 1998 (Public Law 105-172) and the FCC has highlighted the losses to telephone companies arising out of cellular fraud (FCC Report, March 1999). In this instance, although the payments are being collected by DWI, it is actually due to a third party to which DWI has legal obligations by virtue of its contract with the business entity (the dating hotline). Therefore, this scenario also raises the prospect of further losses to DWI through its liability to the third party provider of services.   However, there are also certain obligations that are placed upon customers. (a) They can request the facility of â€Å"blocking † 900 calls from their telephone for a reasonable fee, which the Kettles did not do (b) Any discrepancies in the bill are to be notified to the telephone company within 60 days by the consumer, failing which the customer will be deemed to have accepted those bills. Therefore, in this case, since the account is already delinquent without the Kettles having indicated to DWI that they contest certain charges, the legal position will be that they have accepted those charges and will therefore be obliged to pay them

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Money as the Appropriate Measure of the Policy Literature review

The Money as the Appropriate Measure of the Policy - Literature review Example However it is incorrect to regard the money as the appropriate measure of the policy towards the increase in the interest rates, the interest rates are based on the supply of bonds, and rate of interest is regarded as the return on bonds, through bonds the evaluation of the liquidity effect can be exercised. The measurement of the money can be exercised through the non-borrowed reserves; the purpose of injecting the money cannot be achieved through the withdrawal of say, Treasury bills. The injection of money can also be exercised through the purchase of long-term bonds, and this is expected to develop an impact on the short-term rates. The bond market risk is associated with the occurrences when the agents allocate the funds towards the bond market without any evaluation and analysis of the purchasing and selling price of the band afterward. Such concerns are imminent because asset markets are considered to be incomplete and segmented. The risk within the bond market based on the supply of the bonds is experienced when the agents and dealers are willing to invest their resources in the trade market. The buyers are the expected beneficiaries when the bond-supply shock is positive, the positive effect is based on the lower prices of the bond as compared to the expected prices, and when the expected rate of return has been crossed. Therefore within the bond market business, the dealers are expected to make a good fortune, and 'any real consequences are distributional because the shock has favored some agents at the expense of others'. The expansion and growth of the bond market are expected to determine the time perio d associated with the downgrade within the bond market the time is considered to be the major dimension, and the expansion of the bond market is based on the 'relationship between the indicators and the downgrade'. In the case of banks, the relation between the market indicators which include rating changes, abnormal stock returns, and the proportion of equity owned by institutional investors and bank insiders and supervisory information have failed to explain the supervisory assessments and bond ratings, and for this purpose, the equity indicators have been ignored. It was reported that the 'bond spreads with particularly poor supervisory assessments reducing spreads and vice versa', therefore the market is based on the market discipline i.e. supervisory assessments. It was investigated that market prices incorporate additional information as compared with the accounting variables, and therefore influence the ratings of the respective bonds, however there is no variance in the future prospects and worth of the bond, it is the debt market indicators which have predictive power to influence the performance and operations of the bond market. Â  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ontological And Cosmological Arguments The Existence Of God Philosophy Essay

Ontological And Cosmological Arguments The Existence Of God Philosophy Essay Since the very beginning of human life, man has tried to identify the source of everything. Who am I?, What made me?, Did man create the stars? If not, there must be a higher being than humans, but who? Humans have always felt the need to rely on a higher being, a god, each culture identifying him either as one or many gods working together, but ultimately they provide protection, resources and strength to everyone and everything. But who IS God? Questions such as these prompted philosophers to ponder on the existence of a God; two of the arguments produced in reference to Gods existence shall be discussed. The two approaches of the arguments are based around the a priori and a  posteriori  reasoning. An a priori argument is one where the truth of the proposition does not depend on prior experience. It relies on knowledge collected outside of our own experiences. This is said by some to be an innate knowledge. The ontological argument is based around this reasoning. The basis of the argument itself depends on ones understanding of the nature of God. The Cosmological argument on the other hand, is a  a posteriori  based argument  [1]  . They argue that the truth of a proposition may only be known to be true after empirical knowledge is utilised to prove the statement true or false.  Ã‚  [2]   Renà © Descartes,  often called the father of modern philosophy, developed Anselms argument, in attempting to prove Gods existence from simply the meaning of the word God. The ontological argument is a priori  argument. The basis of these arguments depends upon ones understanding of the nature of God. Anselms definition of God being a supremely perfect being, is the basis of his argument. God must be such a thing that cannot be thought not to exist if he is: Than that which nothing greater can be conceived. (Anslem) Descartes points out that if you imagine a triangle, one of its main properties is that it has three sides and three corners. These are the predicates of a triangle. Descartes expands his point, this time referring to the properties of God. If something perfect is imagined, it must be even more perfect if it was in existence. Furthermore, the most perfect thing has all properties including existence. Descartes, therefore,  believes,  that a supremely perfect being has  all  predicates. Hence, if a perfect being has all predicates one of the properties must surely be existence. Therefore, if God is the greatest conceivable being and has all qualities, he must have all predicates, one of them being existence, therefore God must surely exist. Descartes says that trying to imagine God without the predicate of existence is illogical, like imagining a triangle without three sides!  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ontological argument, in whichever version, has been the object of a great deal of philosophical criticism. Traditionally, the objection posed by the 18th-century philosopher Immanuel Kant has been thought to be one of the most decisive. Kant argued that the problem with the argument lay in its claim that existence is a predicate. (A predicate term describes something done by a subject; so, in the sentence John is eating the predicate is eating describes something that the subject, John, is doing.) Kant argued that existence cannot be a predicate because it does not add any new information to an understanding of the subject. To be told  that John is bald, that he is eating, and  that he is angry is to add three things to the stock of information about him. However, to be told that he exists does not genuinely communicate something about him. Likewise with God; to state simply that Gods existence follows from thinking about him is to have said nothing other than that God exists. Kant argued that nothing of philosophical consequence has been learnt. It is for this reason that many modern-day philosophers have held the ontological argument to be in error. In conclusion to  Descartess  argument, if the most perfect thing has all predicates, then one of those properties must be existence. God is the most perfect and flawless being, hence, he must exist. Similar to the ontological argument, the cosmological argument, also known as the first cause argument, is a classical argument for the existence of God. However, unlike the ontological argument, it derives the conclusion that God exists from a posterior premise (with evidence), as it is based on what can be seen in the world and the universe. It points the belief that there is a first cause behind the existence of the universe. The cosmological argument is based on contingency (dependent on something else) and points out  that things  come into existence because something has caused them to happen. The argument also states that things are caused to exist but they do not have to exist and that there is a chain of causes that goes back to the beginning of time. Time began with the creation of the universe, which came into existence about 15 billion years ago. Plato argued one of the Cosmological arguments earliest forms. He argued that the power to produce movement logically comes before the power to receive it and pass it on  [3]  Ã‚  This basically means that if there if movement, then something has to have caused this. This could not logically go on for infinity, so there has to be a single solitary being that caused this chain of events. This he calls the First Mover. Aristotle also believed in the Prime mover, the uncaused cause, the original cause. In this respect the two arguments are very similar. St Thomas Aquinas developed the cosmological argument. He developed five ways, the Demonstratio, to prove the existence of God. The first three ways forms the cosmological argument as a proof of the existence of God. These three ways are, motion or change, cause and contingency. In the first way, Aquinas states that anything which is in motion is moved or changed by something else. The object causing this push in movement is also given motion by another object. According to Aquinas, infinite regress is logically impossible, and because of this there must be something at the beginning which caused this motion, without being affected itself. This is God. It is certain, that in the world some things are in motion. Now whatever is moved is moved by another (Aquinas Summa  Theologica  [4]  ) From this quote, Aquinas clearly points out that, an object only moved when an external force was applied to it. He continued that objects only changed because some external force had brought about the change. He spoke of things achieving their potential through an external influence.  Ã‚  Aquinas used the example of fire making wood hot. When fire is applied to wood, it changes the wood to achieve its potential in becoming hot. Aquinas, in relation to the fire, stated that in order for a thing to change, actuality is required. If it did not, the thing would have to start the change itself, hence it would require both actuality and potential. However, Aquinas saw this as a contradiction, i.e. if wood could make itself hot then it would be hot already. Wood cannot be hot to beginwith,  otherwise it would not change and become hot. Therefore, Aquinas is emphasising the fact that wood is not hot already is its actuality. Moreover, something must have made the fire change and come  about,  hence each change is the result of an earlier change. However, Aquinas reported that these early changes did not go on to infinity, so there must have been a prime mover He concluded this first mover to be no other but God. In the second way, Aquinas says that God must be an uncaused causer, because if God were the efficient cause, and physically giving the object a push, rather than being The Final Cause, the push would affect God, meaning it would be contingent rather than necessary. To help explain this argument of motion, Aquinas uses the idea of dominoes. One force knocking domino causes the whole line of them to fall. For the objects to go from Potentiality to Actuality there needs to be something in the beginning which has already possessed Actuality. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, moved by no other; and this everyone understands to be God (Aquinas) In the third way, Aquinas brings up the point of contingency of matter in the universe. He identifies that things come in to existence but then stop existing. He states that there must have surely been a time when nothing existed, however, for these to start existing,  the universe must have always existed. Aquinas states: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦if at one time nothing was in existence, it would have been impossible for anything to have begun to existà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦therefore we cannot but admit the existence of some being having of itself its own necessityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Furthermore, there must have been a necessary being to bring about this existence, this being God. He evaluated that if God did not exist, then nothing would exist. In conclusion, Aquinas presents in his three ways of proving the existence of God that nothing could have existed without the existence of another. Moreover, something else must have caused the existence of this cause. Hence, a chain of causes is brought about. However, Aquinas emphasises that there must a beginning to the chain of causes. If the chain of causes is finite, then it means that this being does not have to rely on anything else to come into existence. There is only one such beingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦God.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

To Kill A Mochingbird: Trial Of Life :: essays research papers

Trials of Life   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Life is all about experiencing, learning, and growing up. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee shows many examples of growing up during the Great Depression. To Kill a Mockingbird is set in the South during the 1930’s. The novel is a summary of the lives of the Finch family and their learning experiences. Atticus Finch, a single parent and lawyer, informs and advises his kids as well as many others about the realities of life. Jem and Scout, his children, encounter many growing experiences throughout their childhood. Dill, Jem and Scout’s friend, visits his Aunt Rachel during the summer. He too encounters growing experiences along with Jem and Scout. These four characters lives are prime examples of the trials of life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus teaches many lessons about people, society, and life, especially to Jem and Scout. In Chapter 11, Atticus says to Jem, â€Å"...I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what...† Atticus tells Jem this after Mrs. Dubose, their neighbor, dies. By saying this, Atticus is teaching Jem that courage comes from within oneself and takes mental strength and maturity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Atticus teaches Scout to fight with her head instead of her fists in Chapter 9, p. 80 when he says, â€Å"...you just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anybody says to you, don’t let them get your goat. Try fighting with your head for a change...it’s a good one, even if it does resist learning.† Atticus teaches this concept using himself as an example. He is always calm and fair to everyone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2 â€Å"But he’s gone and drowned his dinner in syrup,† I protested, â€Å"He’s poured it all over.-† In this quote during the beginning of the book, Scout shows a lot of immaturity. She shows immaturity by making fun of her guest, which is something that is normally done by people who don’t know better, or are too young. Scout shows signs of immaturity similar to this throughout the book. It is not until the middle and latter parts of the novel that Jean Louise starts to show signs of growing up and maturing.

Monday, November 11, 2019

An Essay on the Views of Booker T Washington

Born a slave, Booker T. Washington rose to become a commonly recognized leader of the Negro race in America. Washington continually strove to be successful and to show other black men and women how they too could raise themselves. Washington†s method of uplifting was education of the head, the hand, and the heart. From his founding of the Tuskegee Institute in 1881 to his death in 1915 Booker T. Washington exerted a tremendous influence on the people that surrounded him. With his emphasis on industrial education Washington†s approach gave African-Americans hope of accomplishment and success. Growing up in Franklin County, Virginia, Booker was a young slave living on a plantation in a cold, dismal cabin with his mother being the plantation cook. He struggled through the hardships not unlike all the other slaves in the country. Booker T. Washington did not know his own father, which sounds very terrible, but was nothing unusual to young children of enslaved mothers. However Booker†s thoughts and feelings were different from what you†d suspect. Booker states, † I do not find especial fault with him (his father). He was simply another unfortunate victim of the institution which the Nation unhappily had engrafted upon it at the time. â€Å"(4) Booker T. Washington was engulfed in labor throughout his adolescence and young boyhood days, joining his step-father in working in salt furnaces and coal-mines after the civil war. Of course the labor force in this country was predominately slaves, and after the civil war black people were paid little money to do some of the same work. The whole machinery of slavery was constructed as to cause labor, as a rule, to be looked upon as a sign of degradation and inferiority. The slave system took the spirit of self-reliance and self-help out of white people. Again, Booker T. Washington†s thoughts about the labor of black people differ from a traditional view. Washington feels that many white boys and girls never mastered a single trade or special line of productive industry. All the cooking, cleaning, everything was done by slaves, so when freedom came blacks were well off to begin a life of their own. Except for book-learning and ownership of property, Washington felt positively of the long term investment made from all that hard labor. Washington envisioned a future for Black America where their hard work would earn them the respect of whites and pave the way for equality between the races. Washington had success on his mind for his whole life. There is not a moment in his life where he did not think of achieving a goal that would make him more successful and a better person. He used to picture in his mind how he would climb from the bottom of the ladder and one day be on the top, despite his race. He did envy the white boy as you would think in his early part of his life, but once again his view changed from what is considered normal in my opinion. Washington states, † I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. â€Å"(27) Washington felt that a Negro youth must work harder and must perform his tasks even better than a white youth in order to secure recognition, and in that also gaining more strength and confidence than a white youth. Booker T. Washington was infatuated with learning ever since his childhood slave days. His intense desire to learn enabled him to master a Webster â€Å"blue-back† spelling book, and even led him to move ahead the hands of a clock at work so that he could get to his night school on time. Washington had a goal to go to Hampton where he can get a descent education, and his hard work and long journey paid off when he got admitted their due to his cleaning abilities. This was an example of what I had stated earlier in that some of the labors he had done in his life as a slave and a worker paid off. At Hampton Washington met the principal, General Armstrong, and because of Mr. Armstrong, Washington saw the ideal he was to strive for, Washington said, † the noblest, rarest human being that it has ever been my privilege to meet. â€Å"(36) Washington was inspired by educational work and felt that General Armstrong was one of the men and women who went into the Negro schools at the close of the war to assist in lifting up his race. The greatest benefit in my mind that Washington received from Hampton was his attitude toward education which changed form the common idea that education would free one from manual labor, to love of labor, self-reliance, and usefulness, an unselfishness that strives to do the most to make others useful and happy. When Washington experienced this himself, he could take what he learned and lead others through more practical education. The Reconstruction period from 1867-1878 helped fuel an urge that Washington had to educate his race. He felt that blacks throughout the South looked to the Federal Government for everything, just like a child needing its mother. Also, that the Reconstruction policy, so far as it related to blacks, was in a large measure on a false foundation. Washington states, † In many cases it seemed to me that the ignorance of my race was being used as a tool with which to help white men into office. â€Å"(56) He felt that â€Å"general political agitation drew the attention of our people away from the more fundamental matters of perfecting themselves in the industries at their doors and in securing property. (56) In July of 1881, when the Tuskegee Institute for colored people opened, Booker T. Washington was asked to be the principle. Washington tried to expand as much as possible during the years of the school, he wanted to accommodate as many kids as possible and in order to do that the school needed to be bigger, so he put the kids to work, building the school and stressing the importance of work to the kids. Washington felt the value of this work for self-confidence, esteem and disciplined conduct was immense. How likely would a student write his initials on a wall if an older student next to him told him that he had built that wall. Washington felt Industrial education was a foundation. From it would come the professional positions of responsibility, wealth, and leisure. His way was to combine industrial training with mental and moral culture. He observed that the need to take care of one†s body and property and to have an economic foundation was more important than memorizing facts and readings of Latin and Greek. That†s why Washington stressed cleanliness, personal neatness, also housekeeping and mechanical skills. Through proper training of head, hand, and heart, Tuskegee could develop teachers and leaders who would go out to people and change their lives. Industrial education had three functions: First, black students could work to pay their expenses at school. Secondly they could develop skills that would be of economic value when they left school. Third, and most important, was to teach economy, thrift, the dignity of labor, and provide a strong moral backbone. Booker T. Washington had visions of equality for the black and white race, but his visions were somewhat different from that of the norm. He wanted to build up the black race slowly, knowing that equality was not to be achieved overnight. He taught blacks the power of knowledge and hard work to which they could gain a respect from their former masters of this country, and prove to them that they could live together and help out each other. He didn†t want to be better than the white man, he didn†t even dislike the white man, he just wanted to prove to the white man that a black man can have just as good of a heart. Washington took the positive factors out of everything in life, whether good or bad, and paved the way for a non-segregated country. He has no remorse for anything that has happened to his race, infect he says it best when he states, â€Å"Ever since I have been old enough to think for myself, I have entertained the idea that, notwithstanding the cruel wrongs inflicted upon us, the black man got nearly as much out of slavery as the white man did. â€Å"(13)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

12 Best Business Writing Books [Updated 2019]

12 Best Business Writing Books [Updated 2019] Because every business person needs to write well at work, there are hundreds of books specifically about business writing. I have a bookshelf and Kindle full of them because I read everything I can on this subject. Many business writing books are meh, and some are good. One problem with a book specifically devoted to business writing is that business writing is comprised of different elements of general writing. A specific business writing book can be formulaic and reductive. â€Å"Use this model† doesn’t work well when the information that goes into that model changes and requires discernment. These 12 books represent the best of the various elements that comprise good business writing. I recommend these books to clients in Instructional Solutions'business writing courses. BOOKS ON WRITING IN GENERAL How to Start, be Organized, and Not Panic 1.Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott This book is the most applicable to business writing and one of my favorite books. Anne Lamott is brilliant, funny, and breaks down the process of writing. Anything Anne Lamott writes is a joy to read. This excerpt reflects the essence: "Thirty years ago my older brother, who was ten years old at the time, was trying to get a report on birds written that he'd had three months to write. It was due the next day. We were out at our family cabin in Bolinas, and he was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books on birds, immobilized by the hugeness of the task ahead. Then my father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother's shoulder, and said, 'Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.'" How to Extract the Essence 2.The Writing Life by Annie Dillard A little esoteric, but no one is better than extracting the essential core of a concept than Annie Dillard. Her advice in this book is the heart of writing an executive summary statement well. She also explores the joy and heartbreak of writing well. BOOKS ON WRITING STYLE Best How-to-Write Book 3.On Writing Well by William Zinsser This book is the classic guide on effective non-fiction writing. If I had to choose only one book to read to improve business writing, it would be this one. It will help readers write better and understand how to improve what they’ve already written. Best Current Style Book 4.The Sense of Style by Steven Pinker Its subtitle is â€Å"The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century.† Pinker is a Harvard lecturer and a master linguist. His writing is very entertaining. He takes a â€Å"descriptivist† approach to grammar, rather than a â€Å"prescriptivist,† by advocating clear language and breaking grammar rules when needed. This book is a must read for contemporary business writers, but in business writing I recommend staying with grammar rules unless clarity requires a break. Many business readers might pounce on a grammar â€Å"error,† not realizing that breaking the convention actually improves meaning. The Classic Book of Style and Clarity 5.The Elements of Style by Strunk and White This little book has been the bible of style for over 50 years for a good reason. Be sure to read a later version that is edited by E.B. White, also, as it’s more comprehensive than William Strunk’s first edition. Best Book to Cut Bloat 6.Why Business People Speak Like Idiots by Brian Fugere Published in 2005, this book is still sadly very relevant. Business writing is drowning in jargon and meaningless buzzwords that obscure real information. It identifies four strategies to cut the bloat. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, '39de76fa-b005-4d0a-9136-a9a423513681', {}); Best to Improve Sentence Construction 7.It Was the Best of Sentences, It Was the Worst of Sentences by June Casagrande Strong sentences build strong documents. This book beautifully deconstructs clear sentences. This book is a wickedly funny, no-nonsense guide. Best Grammar Book 8.Eats, Shoots, and Leaves: The Zero Approach to Punctuation by Lynne Truss Who knew grammar and punctuation could be so funny? This best-selling book is an impassioned manifesto, complete with amusing error examples (dead sons photos may be released). Truss leans more to the prescriptivist school of grammar than the descriptivist, which matches business writing requirements. STYLE GUIDES Best for Templates and General Guides 9.The Business Writer’s Handbook by Gerald Alred, Walter Oliu, and Charles Brusaw Very useful for models and overall business writing standards. If You Have a Website or Publish Internal Information to Staff 10.The Associated Press Stylebook 2019 The definitive style guide to use if you publish anything on the web. It is regularly updated. The 2019 version is now available and has an updated section on gender considerations. Best for Current and Evolving Usage 11.Garner’s Modern English Usage, 4th Edition An invaluable desk reference for grammar and usage. It has recently been expanded and covers both American and British usage. It’s especially useful for the evolution of new words and their usage. Most Comprehensive 12.The Gregg Reference Manual, 11th Edition Traditionally, the Gregg Reference Manual has been the style guide of choice for business writers. It’s easy to navigate and depth of coverage is unmatched. The Associated Press Stylebook is now often a business’s standard guide, but Gregg has information not found in other guides. What books about business writing have helped you? Please share in comments!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Modeling DNA - Structure, Function and Replication

Modeling DNA - Structure, Function and Replication Constructing DNA models is a great way to learn about DNA structure, function, and replication. DNA models are representations of the structure of DNA. These representations can be physical models created from almost any type of material or they can be computer generated models. DNA Models: Background Information DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. It is housed within the nucleus of our cells and contains the genetic information for the reproduction of life. The structure of DNA was discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick in the 1950s. DNA is a type of macromolecule known as a nucleic acid. It is shaped like a twisted double helix and is composed of long strands of alternating sugars and phosphate groups, as well as nitrogenous bases (adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine). DNA controls cellular activity by coding for the production of enzymes and proteins. The information in DNA is not directly converted into proteins, but must first be copied into RNA in a process called transcription.​ DNA Model Ideas DNA models can be constructed from almost anything including candy, paper, and even jewelry. An important thing to remember when constructing your model is to identify the components you will use to represent the nucleotide bases, sugar molecule, and phosphate molecule. When connecting the nucleotide base pairs be sure to connect the ones that pair naturally in DNA. For example, adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine. Here are some excellent activities for constructing DNA models: How to Make a DNA Model Using CandyCardboard DNA ModelsDNA Jewelry ModelKNEX DNA Models DNA Models: Science Projects For those interested in using DNA models for science fair projects, remember that simply constructing a model is not an experiment. Models may be used, however, to enhance your project.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Anton Chekhov Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anton Chekhov - Research Paper Example Chekov was born in 1860 in southern Russia and lived in a difficult family. Some say his father, who was physically abusive, became the main influence on later characters who were portrayed as hypocrites.1 Chekov did well in school and studied to become a physician. But a part of him wanted to write too, so he started to do this for a little money. He was recognized and people began to like his work and he took a more experimental approach to literature with this new confidence. He was generally a modest man who was concerned with social issues. For several years he was concerned about prison reform. He even traveled over land a great distant to the island of Sakhalin off the coast of eastern Siberia where he interviewed prisoners about the conditions they lived under. Prisons in Russia have always been a problem, as seen in later years in the writer Solzhenitsyn work about the Russian gulags and the Siberian exiles. For Chekov this was all important to the Russian soul. He covered m any topics with aplomb and brought a clinical eye to the social relations he witnessed throughout his native land. When he died in 1904 he was praised all over Russia and statues were erected to him and prizes named after him. Two of Chekov’s most important contributions or innovations for contemporary literature are his use of stream-of-consciousness writing and also his refusal to declare a moral conclusion at the end of his stories, allowing the reader to come to his or her own conclusion. In the first case, Chekov would often take the reader directly into the head of the character to show what they were really thinking about—often details not directly relevant to the plot or narrative pacing—and also how they saw and judged the things around them. This technique later became very popular with writers such as James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, who used it to make a huge

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Personal Financial Plan - Part IV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personal Financial Plan - Part IV - Essay Example Acting in an ethical manner is important when dealing with investments. An example of an unethical and illegal act in the investment world is insider trading. Insider trading occurs when a person receives privileged information and uses that information to gain an advantage in the stock market (Teweles, Bradley, Teweles, 1992). Investing has risk and rewards. Investments that have higher risk also have higher reward. Risk adverse investors avoid risk and are satisfied with a small return on investment. Opportunity cost refers to the opportunity forgone when choosing a decision. For example a person that works as a hot dog vendor has the opportunity cost of the amount of money he could make working for the private industry. Savings and investments are impacted by the time value of money. The time value of money is a concept that quantifies the depreciation of money over time. Money loses value over time due to inflation. The present value of $1000 at a 4% rate after ten years is

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Strategic Review of Kepak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic Review of Kepak - Essay Example To analyze the current strategies followed by the firm internal business analysis has been done by using TOWS Matrix which analysis the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the organization to produce accurate and strategic solutions and approaches for a better business outcome. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Industry Analysis 4 PESTLE Analysis 4 Porter’s Five Forces 5 Success Factors Driving Beef Industry 6 Company Analysis 7 Competitive Stance 7 Differentiation 7 Positioning 7 Value Chain Analysis 7 Strategic resources 8 Critical strategy 9 Introduction Kepak is one of the three largest beef producers in Ireland. Noel Keating founded the company in mid 1960s and is headquartered at Meath, Ireland. The Business divisions are Kepak Convenience Foods (KCF), Kepak Meat Division (KMD), and Agra Trading. Started as a retail butcher’s business, it soon expanded as a wholesale supplier selling beef to the food service sector and other lar ger markets (Bell, Mcloughlin and Shelman, 2011). The company is facing some challenges as well as some significant opportunities due to the changing business and economic environment in Ireland. Industry Analysis A business environment consists of three major components (American Accounting Association, 2013). These are suppliers, competitors and customers. Kepak’s external business can be assessed by using pestle analysis and porters five forces model. PESTLE Analysis Economic The current gross domestic product (GDP) of Ireland is $191.5 billion and the purchasing power parity is $41,700 (CIA, 2013). The agri-food sector is considered as one of the major indigenous manufacturing sector in Ireland (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, n.d.). Around 85% of the food supplies are exported to a large number of countries. Ireland is considered as Europe’s largest net exporter of beef and is well known for producing highest quality beef (Ukfg, n.d.). Almost 1 lak h Irish farmers are involved in cattle rearing and out of these almost 70000 are categorized as specialist beef producers (Bell, Mcloughlin and Shelman, 2011). In the wake of the current economic crisis, the Irish government has identified food and agriculture business as the major sector which will significantly increase the country’s growth in exports and imports. Social 62% of the total population in Ireland lives in urban areas getting access to the most of the daily requirements. The average age of farmers kept on increasing. In 2007, 51% of the family farm holders were above 55 years old and only 7 percent were under 35 years of age (Bell, Mcloughlin and Shelman, 2011). This was because of a significant change in the occupational trends of people, who gradually shifted from agribusiness to other alternatives for a more stable and secure life. Beef consumption in the European market has fallen since 2007 (Bordbia, n.d.).Various reasons accounted for this. Because of the economic crisis the consumers started cutting back their beef purchases and changed to lesser expensive alternatives such as protein supplements and dairy products. Environmental High waste-water discharges, air emissions associated with energy consumption, solid waste and order and a moderate to high

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

About Going to School Essay Example for Free

About Going to School Essay As young Americans living in the 21st century, we have many options when it comes to what we want to do after we graduate high school. Many choose to go to college and earn a degree while others choose to go straight to work or join the military. While all are very good choices for the young men and women who choose each path, some might be more rewarding than others. Earning a degree is something I think all young adults should do regardless of which path they choose; it brings much more economic security, many more job opportunities, and, in most cases, a broader understanding of the world and how it works. One of the first major reasons for my believing this is the economic benefits of the college degree. As we all know, we have been in economic downturn for the past several years, and one study in 2008 found that this was due to a lack of college degrees, or partially at any rate. â€Å"One of the biggest developments in this years report is the strength of the relationship between higher education and the economy,† said Dewayne Matthews, Luminas vice president for policy and strategy. â€Å"People are beginning to understand that job growth is a structural issue, and that higher education is the key to economic growth. (UPI Top New, 2010) See more: My Writing Process Essay As you can tell, there is a correlation between what our economy does and the education that we, as Americans, receive after we leave high school and start to enter the real world. It is saying that the American economy cannot survive with employees that have limited knowledge and education. This is not to say that those who do not go to college do not contribute to society however there is an extremely important need for an educated populous to pull us out of this economic deficit. The opportunities for person to find a well paying job are exponentially increased upon receiving a degree from an accredited college or university. â€Å"America needs more workers with college degrees, certificates and industry certifications. † (Arabia 2000, 2010) This quote indicates another point I am trying to make: The employers in America simply cannot find the people they need to fill the jobs that require higher education and training. It used to be that you didn’t need a degree to get a job, sure it helped, but you didn’t have to have it. Well in today’s society it’s practically a requirement and the trend seems to only be growing. If this is the case, wouldn’t you want to arm yourself with as much education and prowess before meeting with employers who won’t consider your application if you do not have a degree attached to it? The answer is yes, you are more likely to get a job over someone if you have a degree and they do not. There is a correlation between jobs and degrees, and the article â€Å"Help Wanted: Projecting Jobs and Education Requirements through 2018† (Arabia 2000, 2010) indicates that this relation is growing closer and even estimates that 63% of all jobs will require some type of post-secondary degree by the year 2018. As you can see, there is substantial evidence leaning towards employers needing a degree, specifically the ones that will allow you to live in a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. Instead of exercising the appropriate mental muscles, were allowing ourselves to become a nation of nitwits, obsessed with the comings and goings of Lindsay Lohan and increasingly oblivious to crucially important societal issues that are all but screaming for attention. What should we be doing about the legions of jobless Americans, the deteriorating public schools, the debilitating wars, the scandalous economic inequality, the corporate hold on governmental affairs, the commercialization of the arts, the deficits? † (Guelph Mercury (ON, 2010) this seems rather harsh, but it speaks some truth. There seems to be a lot of Americans these days not contributing anything but TV ratings to society. It’s not a very pretty picture to paint of our country, but the author is saying that our world view is extremely limited and higher education helps broaden that. Going to college is a unique experience in its own, going off on your own, being independent and everything that comes with it. But what about the education you are receiving, when you receive a college education you receive the social responsibility as a global citizen to help us advance as a society. Through your college experiences you are obtaining the tools to go out and change the world, to be a responsible global citizen and to change the way things are going in this country. By not obtaining higher education you are sitting by and watching as the world zooms passed and doesn’t even glance your way. For those who choose to go to work or the military instead of college first, there are still options for you to earn a degree and become successful and earn a higher pay and better job. If you attended a career center and decided to go straight to work, you can and should pursue a degree in the field that you trained in, some jobs might even pay for you to go and getting more training in order to have you as a strong asset in the future. Other companies might even pay towards your student loans after graduating college. New Hampshire has a program called â€Å"Stay Work Play† (Work-Life Newsbrief Trend Report, 2009) that uses incentives for companies to keep jobs in the state by paying $8,000 towards your college loans and get you to work for them. As for the military, you have the option to go to college for free. The GI Bill of Rights (FDCH Congressional Testimony, 2010) was created at the end of World War II and contains a provision to help pay for servicemen and women to attend college. This give you the option to earn a degree and still serve your country, and get a high pay and maybe earn a higher status in the military by having a degree that helps you perform a job for them. There are thousands of opportunities awaiting you when you start your journey after earning a high school diploma, as you can see. Living in this current economy is not a fun experience and the more money you can make helps not only you but it helps the economy start to thrive again. You have the opportunity to prove the nay-sayers in the world wrong, and help change the world and become an effective global citizen. For those who don’t think they should earn a degree or think they can’t because they chose to go into the military or work, you can still do it! In this day and age we all need an edge in order to get anywhere and succeed, empower yourself to become the successful young man or woman you know you can be and get a degree.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Marketing Strategy of TVs Motors

Marketing Strategy of TVs Motors TVS Motor Company is Indias third largest manufacturer and company had made success in their last ten years. TVS achieved many awards for their quality of products, customer satisfaction and for their technology. This paper analyzing the organizations various strategies models as well as describes the financial statement analysis for last five year. Analyzed how the company reached the current position and described the recommendations for TVS Motor Company. Introduction: An organizational study is conducted to have a clear and proper understanding of the organizations basic structure, coordination and functioning at all levels. Every organization involves in identifying and coordinating the work that being performed and delegates authority and responsibilities. Organizations are always looked as a social entity directing towards designated goals that are designed as coordinated activity and structured deliberately linking to external environment. In a country like India which has seen an industrial revolution in last couple of decades, bringing large multinational corporate and industries to the country any organization would require strong organizational functioning to compete with other industries in the market paving way to success and preferences to the organization. My organization study involves research on various departments to understand their functions within and their purposes. I have also tried to bring out the achievements of the organiz ation so far and how it competes with its competitors. It was also important for me to study how they progress towards their mission and vision of the organization. Before doing a study on any organization it was important to have compassion on the concepts, principles and requisites of the organizations. Concepts of an organization: Every organization involves in a process of identifying and grouping the work that has to be done. It defines and delegates the authority and responsibility to every individual or sector. It establishes strong relationship with its employees to accomplish its objectives and performing work efficiently. Principles: Principles are tailored on theoretical basis on which the strategies of the organization is built or framed. There are several fundamental principles there are to be followed in developing an organization strong and efficiently. Some of them are Unity of objective Unity of command Specification Span of control Co-ordination Exception Flexibility Communication Simplicity Efficiency REQUSITIES: The objectives of the organization are to be candid and clear and the organizations understanding their capacity in achieving them. All activities within the organization are implemented efficiently and easily. Proper coordination on all activities that being executed. Communication system inside the organization should be direct and effective. Should be complete with all essential activities being put into action. There should be reasonable span of control at all levels Wherever required, provision is to be available for expansion Defined procedures are to be followed on all functions of the organization Organization should always aim at promoting morality of its employees Proper diversion on authority and responsibility is required Business strategy: TVS motors which originates from Trichur Vengaram Sundaram Iyengar motors is one among the leading motorcycle company in India .it is the third largest two-wheeler manufacturer company in India and among the top ten in the world. It holds annual revenue of more than $ 1 billion .Its a flagship company with TVS group USA with 4$ billion. It strives and thrives in manufacturing innovative and pioneer products. TVS emphasizes on launching new products with its new product introduction (NPI) team of approximately 300 engineers who stand at forefront in executing strategic visions for the organization for its new products. Though these products are developed domestically it collaborates with globally technical renowned partners. It aims to introduce six to ten products every year to address broad-based requirements of the market. Bike for Anyone: TVS Motors aims at introducing wide range products thats suits the needs of all two wheeler riders. It holds products from mopeds to racing motorcycles. The prices of these motorcycles are also affordable and reasonable to suit financial status of middle and upper middle class people in India. It was also the first motorcycle company in India to launch mopeds that were easily affordable to labor and wager groups of India. Penchant for Quality: TVS Motor has established four manufacturing plants located at Mysore, Hosur, Himachal Pradesh and one in Indonesia. The company is more consistent on its quality of its products so far. The vehicles were long lasting and reliable. Innovation at the Helm: Strength of the organization lies in its design and development of its new products, the company launched seven products on the same day in 1997, making it all the first automotive company to do so. They aim at developing superior customer satisfaction. TVS presents quality vehicles to meet ever changing need of its customer and market, the company already holds 15 million customers on road. History: The company was founded by Trichur Vengaram Sundarm Iyangar. He initially started on transport business holding large fleet of buses, trucks under the name of southern roadways limited. Later the company spread its wings on automobile sector, including insurance, finance, two wheelers manufacturing components, and tires. It is combined with 33 companies of its own to bring a turnover of nearly 3 billion USD. On 1978 the company started plant at Hosur to manufacture mopeds as a new division. Later the company collaborated with Suzuki on 1982 on a joint venture to obtain brand impression on its customers. Major Milestone Year by Year: 1978: TVS Motors was started as a new division of TVS. 1982: Incorporated as Indians motors. It collaborated with Suzuki motors. 1984: 59,400,000 shares were issued on which 7, 00,000 shares Sundaram Clayton ltd, Chennai. 70,000 Anusha investments 20, 00,000-Suzuki motors 2, 20,000 -Employees and business associates 29, 70,000- public 1985: incorporated Lakshmi Auto Company6 for Manufacturing transmissions and critical engine parts. 1986: company name was changed from Indo Suzuki motors to TVS Suzuki motors 1990: launched 34cc Miniped 1997: set up auto ancillary estate at Mysore and Hosur 1998: RS: 1,000 crore mark in 1997-1988 introduced first four stroke vehicle in the country 2003: Recorded share of 35% of share in motorcycle division, Recorded 31% growth on its sales. Company introduced racing bikes that were tested in Asian circuits. 2006: Appointed new president 2007: launched 7 motorcycles on the same day making a mark in history 2010: Launched Indias first auto clutch motorcycle in Chandigarh. TVS Michael porters competitive force model The strategy is developed by Michael porter which describes the external factors affecting the organization. The TVS analysis is as follows: Supplier Power: Although TVS has been a prominent supplier for economic class customers in two wheelers market, here we take the power of the suppliers for TVS to analyze. The Supplier market for TVS is highly fragmented and the possibility for backward integration is also high which has restrained the power of the suppliers. TVS engages with several local suppliers for their spares and parts for their automobiles manufacturing. The entry of many new small scale manufacturers has also contributed to the benefit of large automobile manufacturers like TVS to source their Spares and parts at a very optimal price. This clearly indicates the low supplier power. Buyer Power: Buyers power in two wheelers industry is more as the product diversity and brands available in the market are exceptionally high. Buyers today are demanding and specific on their needs for the money they pay. They are looking for the brand that offers better pricing and technology which has shadowed the customer loyalty for any brand today which is the most faced threat by TVS. Threat of Substitutes: Threat from substitutes is quite low when compared to other forces since market seems only to grow and mature every day. But when looked down the line we could anticipate a threat from the dramatically escalating petrol cost which might cause customers to switch to economic diesel cars. As well growing environmental concerns has also brought in bicycles and battery two wheelers that might pose a threat in future to TVS. Intensity of Rivalry: Two wheelers industry is most known for the competitive market and rivalry. Two wheeler brands like Bajaj, Honda and Yamaha have come up with various product line and technology targeting the customer segment of age group 20 to 30 years who are more fascinated to sporty two wheelers. But TVS has very less sporty models available for customers to choose that has restrained power of the brand over the most targeted customer segment by its competitors. Although TVS has a better power over the mid aged economic class customer segment, competitors now are increasing their focus on taking over it too. Barriers to New Entrants: New entrants face a moderate barrier in penetrating the market since it is consolidated by few and strong suppliers. As the market size of the two wheelers industry is big and requires a strong footprint with high capital investment, new entrants find it difficult to fit themselves among the market front-runners. Thus TVS is not susceptible to threats from the new entrants to the industry. TVS Motors market share The market share of all Two-wheeler is affected by various inflation, rise in petrol price and interest rate. Automobile industry had unexpected growth around 15% is due supported by various external factor like urban development, developed public transportation, financial purchases and Two-wheeler penetration into various region. Hero Honda dominated in the market by 55% (2011-2012) in last five quarters. Market Share with competitors April Feb. 2011 Source: TVS Motor Company Financial performance Details/Year 2011-12 2010-11 2009010 2008-09 2007-08 Sales other income* 7148 6324 4485 3741 3310 Profit before interest, depreciation, amortization and tax* 520 491 304 247 219 Profit before tax 316 248 76 31 35 Profit after tax 249 195 88 31 32 Net fixed assets 1078 995 983 1036 1043 Share capital 48 48 24 24 24 Reserves and surplus 1122 952 842 786 798 Net worth 1170 999 835 735 769 Total borrowings* 831 768 1003 906 666 Earnings per share #(Rs.) 5.24 4.10 1.86 0.66 0.67 Dividend per share (Rs.) 1.30 1.10 1.20 0.70 0.70 Book value per share# (Rs.) 24.38 20.81 17.40 15.32 16.02 EBITDA/turnover (%) 7.3 7.4 6.8 6.6 6.6 Profit before tax/turnover (%) 4.4 3.9 1.7 0.8 1.1 Return on capital employed (%) 19 16.4 8.0 5.6 2.8 Return on net worth (%) 23.0 21.3 11.2 4.1 4.1 Source: TVS Motor Company The company achieved the annual sales of two million as growth of 32% by selling 1.52 million units last year. The company made their growth in all three segment as Executive as 26%, Economy as 12% and Premium as 38% for the year of 2011. When compared with 2010, there is increased in sale of fixed asset in 2011. On 2011 fiscal year TVS Motors acquires assets increasing the liquidatory assets to 1.70 crores. Due to increase in RD expenses decrease in sales and investment in manufacturing sector increased the companys liabilities to 950.49 crores. Companys capital expenditure was 91.63 crores in year 2011. In the year 2011 current ratio stands at 0.17 while the debt ratio is at 0.98%. The cash ratio is 1.4 times than previous as the number proves that the companys stable but if the ratios are not improved over years the companys long time sustainability will be at jeopardy. Operational analysis SWOT Analysis Strengths: TVS is an International player with brand equity and plays important role in Indian two wheeler markets. RD department team gives them a leading edge in markets technology development covering various segments like moped, motor cycle and scooter. These differences make the products attractive for people of all ages. TVS has a wide spread of distribution network and numerous service centers covering all regions of its service areas which provide a unique service to its customers. TVS groups have 40,000 knowledgeable, experienced and skilled employees providing service to more than 15 million customers in India. Advertising with brand ambassadors and attracting people with more promotional activities. Products with low price, high fuel economy, eco friendly less emission and unique design with its competitors. Weaknesses: Despite exporting products to various countries worldwide, its not a globally recognizable brand yet. Lack of competitive premium bikes to attract the riders in the market. Most of the RD resources used in economy and executive products shading the premium segment. Opportunities: One of the fastest growing automobile providers in India. Export is limited and the international market is untouched which gives a versatile opportunity to explore and establish international market. More movement in higher-end model and more young generation are motivated towards motorcycle. Threats: Heavy competition from other competitors and from other international brand i.e. importing of cheap motorcycle from china. Gradual increase in fuel price, Decrease in car prices, policies and increase in taxes will affect margin for dealer as well as customer. Improving public transport will have an effect on the automobile sales. Spare parts are expensive which increases the maintenance cost. TOWS Matrix Analysis SWOT and TOWS are acronyms to each other, where as strength and weaknesses comes under internal environment. Opportunities and threats are comes under the external environment. But for practical study, TOWS describes internal environment and SWOT describes external environment. Strength: TVS is International player with brand equity and plays important role in Indian two wheeler markets. Excellent RD work of products and different products in various segments like moped, motor cycle and scooter. These differences make attraction to people from different age. TVS had wide spread distribution network and numerous service centers which make easy for people. TVS groups have more than 15 million customers and knowledgeable, experienced, skilled 40,000 employees. Advertising with brand ambassadors and attracting people with more promotional activities. Products with low price, fuel economy, less emission and excellent design when compared to other company. Weaknesses: Even though exporting to various countries, it is not globally recognizable brand. Fail to cover premium segment bikes and their segments are only for middle class customers. Opportunities: One of the fastest growing segments in India is automobile segment. Export is limited and untouched international market. More movement in higher-end model and more young generation are motivated towards motorcycle. SO TVS had unbeatable sales in moped and scooter. (S1O1) They had 3500 dealer for making sales and giving excellent service to customers. TVS maintains its brand image by designing products for all customers from low income to high income people. (S4O3) Employed more engineers in RD to bring their designing performance and development in all categories. TVS has ratio in debt equity is 0.1. WO Even though it is not globally recognized, TVS made an excellent land mark in India. (W1O2) TVS need more concentration in premium vehicles because sales of premium vehicles are growing in recent years. (W2O3) Market share is reducing when compared to last few years. Threats: Heavy competition from other competitors and from other international brand i.e. importing of cheap motorcycle from china. Gradual increase in fuel price, policies and increase in taxes will affect margin for dealer as well as customer. Improving public transport will have an effect on the automobile sales. Spare parts are costlier. ST Automobile is one of the growing sectors in the world, so it is golden opportunity to come forward in global market. (S1T1) TVS need more concentration in RD to improve the use of personal transportation. (S2T3) WT TVS has other competitors in two wheeler segment, which is the main drawback for them. Cost of spare parts and their products are high when compared to other company. (W2T4) TVS BCG Growth Share Matrix: The BCG Growth-Share Matrix is a planning model in which business is divided into four major based on market growth and market share. The growth share in this table positions the two major things of profitability. Star (Scooter) Question mark (New motorcycle and new scooter) Cash cow (Moped) Dog (Motorcycles) Star: Star denotes high market growth and high market share in the industry. This position defends when the organization invest large amount in this segment. There is decrease in the growth when compared to last year, so this is the reason scooter comes under star category. It will turn into cash cow when there is gradual increase in coming years. Cash cow: Cash cow denotes low market growth and high market share in the industry. In moped sector it is the major contribution to the market share because moped have more advantages like low cost when compared to other moped manufacturing company. Handling is very simple and this is more preferred by small traders. Teenagers are using this vehicle as an entry point for them. This dominates in the position of cash cow because increase in the growth of sales in every year. Question mark: Question mark denotes high market growth and low market share. In this category, there are two things to be considered as invest greatly in the products or to clear up this products. The company launches new TVS Flame which gets more drawbacks in the market and the company planned to launch the product with redesign. Company had greater growth in the scooter segment, so they launched electric scooter due to increase in the fuel price. But the product is failed due to some motor problems. So company need to invest in them for increase in market growth, this is the reason that these products comes under the question mark. Dog: Dog denotes low market growth as well as low market share in the industry. In this segment, the motorcycle is divided into three categories as economy segment which had increase in 2% when compared to last year. In executive segment, decrease in 1% when compared to last year. But in premium segment, there is no increment or decrement when compared to last year. Market share came down when compared to last year, so this is the main reason that motorcycle comes under the category of dog. Marketing, Financial and RD Strategies Marketing strategy: The company volume growth increased largely from the year of 2010-2011, but the company does not have similar growth in last year of 2011-2012. The company had huge demand in moped, scooter and only in premium motor cycle; so these are volume key drivers in TVS motor company. The company is planning to build key model brand, so company had planned to have sustain success in their products like Star, Victor and Apache. These products had made brand image to maintain its success and these success made the company to introduce the new products in the market. These are key volume drivers and their focus to sustain their growth of the company. TVS motors have decided to launch seven new vehicles at a time in the year of 2007, so this will make the company as a young multinational company. This makes work for continues three years to rollout all these seven products at a time. Within these seven vehicles, four of them are two-wheelers and three are passenger three-wheeler vehicles. These products are various technologies, design and new engine. TVS introduced CCVTi engine which reduce carbon-dioxide and reduce the monoxide by 70% which make green revolution and also introducing Fuel injection technology which consumes less fuel. TVS motors first introduce the electric scooter due to increase in fuel price in India. These are marketing strategies to cover imagination of people. TVS continuous improvement in quality of products resulted in winning various quality awards which brings more value for the customers. TVS offers 5-year warranty for Star vehicles, which gives customers more preference. These customer satisfaction and quality are the one of major role for marketing strategy. TVS dealers are using their own individual promotion plans to the final buyers. The company advertises to the customers to provide offers to buy products where dealers provide with sale promotion to the product now. The company offering more promotional plan such as exchange offer, finance conveniences to the customers, free services, follow-up customer for their services and complaints and other festival offers. These are various marketing strategy promotions to customers for buying the products and giving excellent service to their products to have sustained growth in market place. Financial strategy: TVS records the sale of 154,647 unit in August 2012 and 194,898 units in August 2011, whereas for Two-wheeler sales records 150,740 units in August 2012 and 190,184 units of sales in August 2011. In domestic sector, TVS records about 135,513 units in August 2012 against 163,705 units in August 2011. In motorcycle sector, TVS records 53,673 units in August 2012 against 77,726 units in August 2011. In scooter segment, records 38,193 units in August 2012 against 52,253 units in August 2011. From this analysis, there is gradual decrease in the sales of all sectors including moped, motorcycle and scooters. Company exports 17,934 units in August 2012 against 29,984 units in August 2011. In Three-wheelers, company sold 4,714 units in August 2011 but it decreased to 3,907 units in August 2012. From the total, the company fails to compete with the previous year of same month. Research and development (RD): The company has a strong research and development (RD) department, supported with state of the art aiding technologies. Their in-house world class testing facility gives them a unique environment for testing the engines noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) and life time warranty testing. To they are supported with modern computers for developing good design as well as for developing new innovation in the products. The team has been concentrating on eco-friendly products for a decade helping the fact of global climatic changes and increases of carbon dioxide release into the environment. They succeeded by out coming with a high fuel economy, reusable parts and low emissions hybrid products. Their automatic transmission technology for scooters is widely credited across the world due their very low emission and fuel economy. TVS RD department published 81 papers placing and they developed various products with this research and they are successfully running in the road. For national and international conferences, RD published around 81 technical papers. Joint venture and Value chain TVS has joint venture with Japaneses company Suzuki with whom it shares their technology, design and manufacture for two-wheeler under the banner TVS-Suzuki. TVS-Suzuki manufactured various products including Samurai, Shogun and Fiero. Due to the rising disputes and low profit margins TVS decided to break their collaboration with Suzuki. In 2011, companies came to an agreement, as per the company was renamed as TVS Motors and Suzuki promised not to enter Indian market for minimum period of 30 months. This decision by TVS motors allowed them to operate independently and proves to be effective as their profit increased noticeably. TVS Motors invested heavily in RD to launch new products with new technology and succeeded making TVS a highly recognized brand. After three years Suzuki entered Indian market and became one of the top five Two-wheeler Company in India. The value chain for the Two-wheeler company has many value chain partners including manufacturing, dealers (outlets include sales and service), financial agents, support services, advertising, contracts, transportation and more. The value chain for TVS Motors will act like one team and they aim for success. The company has appraisal agencies, call centre, collection agencies and dealer management system to get daily updates from dealers and maintain a global communication across their value chain partners. TVS has plans to implement Information Technology across the value chains, to reduce the delays and lags in communication between the value chain dealers. This IT adoption to the company will significantly increase the customer satisfaction, timely service and a well structured management. Business performance: The overall Two-wheeler sales is decreased to 5% due to absences of executive segment motorcycle, whereas scooter and moped segment increased by 10% in their sales growth. The company achieved all time high sales in export of 2.70 lakh in 2011-2012. Three-wheeler sales also increased slightly from 0.39 lakh to 0.40 lakh in 2011-2012. Spare parts also increased to 29% sales. TVS Wego had a huge growth of 60% in the scooter segment. These vehicles are distributed around 3500 dealer in India; they are authorized for both sales and services. TVS is continuously seeking for opening new dealerships to increase the growth of sales. The export sales are grown 51% where as domestic sales decline by 35% in the Three-wheeler market. There is large number of competitors in exporting, so company takes advantages of providing quality products as well as providing new market line for domestic market. For reducing the material cost and input material cost, company is using value engineering and global sourcing projects. TVS is using total quality management (TQM) as a cornerstone from 1987. So that company created manually called TVS Way and won award for national and state level competition. Recommendations and Implementations References TVS Motor Company. From : http://www.tvsmotor.in/tvsbrief.asp TVS Motor Company. From : http://www.tvsmotor.in/tvs-rd.asp TVS Motor Company. From : http://www.tvsmotor.in/global.asp TVS Motor Company. From : http://www.tvsmotor.in/investor.asp TVS Motor Company. Annual Report. From : http://www.tvsmotor.in/pdf/19th-Annual-Report-2010-2011.pdf TVS Motor Company. From : http://www.tvsmotor.in/investor-news-home.asp Indian Infoline. TVS Motor Company Ltd. From: http://www.indiainfoline.com/Markets/Company/Background/Company-Profile/TVS-Motor-Company-Ltd/532343 Business Line. TVS Motor seeks early end to licence pact with Suzuki. From : http://www.thehindubusinessline.in/2001/12/29/stories/022907za.htm The Financial Express. TVS reaps Business Benefits through SAP. From: http://www.financialexpress.com/news/tvs-reaps-business-benefits-through-sap/60168/2 Live Mint. TVS Motor changes financing strategy. From : http://www.livemint.com/Money/uW1yXkCG0HsTBLIjI5rHKL/TVS-Motor-changes-financing-strategy.html Money Control. TVS Motor Company. From : http://www.moneycontrol.com/company-facts/tvsmotorcompany/history/TVS#TVS Indian Two-Wheeler Industry. From : http://www.icra.in/Files/ticker/Indian%202W%20Industry,%20Update,%20Feb%202012.pdf (Retrieved on Feb 2012)