Saturday, August 22, 2020

Fun Fair in Sat Hill Park Essay Example for Free

Fun Fair in Sat Hill Park Essay Everything began out of the blue. The tempest started to deteriorate, hints of the tempest thundered the environment, with rage. Everything felt like a haze. Haze prodded over the fields of the way, maybe the way was surrendered, as a result of quietness that carried cries to each to every spirit. I could see the individuals preparing, taking their places in line. Time was running, quick as a seismic tremor devastates land in no time. It was coming to first light, not sitting tight for a hold. It was as just a single individual was permitted to move and goes on hold as a cell phone. Not exactly a second ,the tempest halted, more joyful faces came and they began to run as quick as a bull, chasing its prey. For some time, everybody was in their very own brain , having a ton of fun; and significantly more. In any case, not for long.Out of no where came 3 men wearing dark with faces covered up and bodies secured with cowhide coat and pants with trainers.They had a similar garments, it resembled a uniform. At that point ,one man pointed the firearm up high;asking for consideration however before we knew it ; it was focused on the closest individual close him..The ground was dissipated with body parts separated from the dead body: hands, arms, feet’s and heads. Many began shouting; many cried. Yet, above all whos in torment was the mother.She lost her child. Out of nowhere, I had an inclination of strolling over the war zone, shouting to us to be peaceful or were dead .It was an enlivening reaction, my heart was hustling quick, as I gradually strolled through the jaws of death. As I was strolling I halted, it arrived at a point where I could’t talk no more. I stopped and solidified in confinement and an idea, sprung up in my psyche, however, I dont need to bite the dust and I dont need any longer beyond words. This idea was eating me inside, the feeling of reality had been built up, I knew this wasnt a fantasy. I didnt realize what to do. I don’t mind seeing dead substance however I dont need to make life hard for my folks. I knew without me, they are nothing. All I felt was forlornness and torment, as one day each living soul will bear such a punishment.Another one of them needed to catch our eye again as everyones lost in their world.The youthful individual pointed a slug at hound. We could see its little dog hound eyes swooning in dread. Out of nowhere, another person came and made all the difference. The man who was prepared to chance his life for us all represented humankind. Approaching them for what they want.The answer was nothing. They fled when a squad car came pass.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

5 Great Multi-Purpose Gift Books

5 Great Multi-Purpose Gift Books Books are some of the best multi-purpose, multi-people presents. When you spot an especially cool book, primed for gifting, don’t limit yourself to one name on your list â€" buy several, for everyone who would love it. Think of it as a Nars Multiple, or a Leatherman multi-tool, helping you zip through your to-do list. When you find a special title, why limit it to just one person on your gift list? Get that book into all the right hands. Books aren’t monogamous. There’s no shame in this. Don’t raise that eyebrow â€" I’m not talking about regifting! Although it’s a good idea to spread the books out among people who a) won’t be opening the gifts in front of each other and b) won’t soon see the same book on each other’s sofas. Below are five terrific multi-gift-worthy finds. My parameters: they can thrill different kinds of readers; they’ve been published in the past year or so; and they cost less than $35 (skipping those glossy coffeetable tomes). Also, they need an eye-catching design. After all, there will be judging of covers. Penguin’s Great Food Series These nine slender, pocket-sized volumes rummage through history’s kitchen cabinets. They collect writings on food from notable American and European authors from the past 400 years, ranging from Samuel Pepys’s riotous dinner parties to the careful household economies of Mrs. Beeton. Alexandre Dumas gathers up mouthwatering trivia, like the connection between a fig and the sack of Carthage. Pepys buries Parmesan cheese and wine in his garden, to save it from the Great Fire of London. The Charles Lamb title, A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig and Other Essays, is right on the jinglebell, as it includes his musings on Christmas: “Let us enjoy the present, and laugh at the past.” You can find even more on Penguin’s UK site. Cover Judge: absolutely irresistible. Each cover has evocative lettering and a pattern  inspired by ceramics produced  in the same era as the original writings. Best For: any good trencherman or -woman; history buffs; friends who throw dinner parties or who actually use a mandolin. That Is All by John Hodgman Every page teems with the peculiarly convincing pseudo-facts of the hilarious Hodgman. He’ll wax eloquent about mustache etiquette and the genetic mutations of robber barons, then rebut urban myths about New York with even more fabulosities. This is the best year to buy it, since the top of every page notes a daily event predicted through 2012. So you can prep your binoculars for the day when the Golden Gate Bridge will be crushed in a fight between an Octosaur and a Narwhaldactyl. Cover Judge: not much at first glance, but flick off the jacket for a mustachioed photo of Hodgman inside. Best For: grouchy relatives; know-it-alls; fans of Jon Stewart; your favorite coworker. Atlas of Remote Islands by Judith Schalansky Within a few pages, Schalansky can convert anyone to her view that an atlas is poetic, romantic, utterly absorbing. She explains the role of cartography as a “theatre of the world,” then delves into a collection of faraway specks in the oceans. In fact-based reveries, she introduces islands with dreamy names, like Rapa Iti and Fangataufa. Volcanic or lush or covered in ice, they’re the sites of shipwrecks, discovery, despair, and eroticism. Each gets a crisp, enticing, atlas-style illustration. Cover Judge: elegantly handsome, not flashy, with a seaglass-blue cover and black cloth binding. Best For: travelers, armchair and actual; antisocial people who would relish life on an uninhabited island; yourself, if you’re exhausted by family time. Mission Street Food: Recipes and Ideas from an Improbable Restaurant by Anthony Myint and Karen Leibowitz Must restrain myself from using any food-based metaphors to describe this book (no bouillabaisse, melting pot, chop suey). It gets shelved with cookbooks and it does have recipes, with plenty of helpful photos, but it’s much, much more. There’s an oral autobiography of sorts, from the lovestruck couple who started the “unpredictable eating experiences” in San Francisco, first by subletting a taco truck and then by staging pop-up dinners in a Chinese restaurant. There’s an illustrated version of a neighborhood altercation; essays on charitable businesses and fried chicken; and encouragement to put Camembert on a brownie. You’ll spot reproductions of unorthodox fortune cookie strips: “There’s no such thing as a lesbian dragonfly.” You’ll be hungry and exhilarated. And a percentage of the cost goes to Slow Food USA. Cover Judge: True to McSweeney’s form, it’s a clean, warm design. Bonus point for the Chinese astrological readings on the inside cover. Best For: your dim-sum buddy; anyone who read Michael Pollan; newlyweds; students finishing college or business school. Parisian Chic: A Style Guide by Inès de la Fressange and Sophie Gachet A breezy dose of chic, courtesy of French model and style icon Inès de la Fressange. Lists, tips, and a flurry of sketches make this feel chatty and intimate (“think clink, not bling”), but the pages of fashion don’ts remind you that there’s discipline behind the ease. She shares her favorite Paris shops, true local favorites rather than global brands â€" and happily, many offer online shopping. Some advice is refreshingly down to earth, like rinsing your hair with vinegar or listening to the Rolling Stones while getting dressed. Cover Judge: nightstand-ready, in tomato-red with gilt embossing. Best For: friends addicted to street-style blogs; Francophiles; the aunt who subscribes to at least three fashion magazines.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

What Was The Cold War - 1726 Words

â€Å"What was the Cold War?† HIS 122-DS11. December 9, 2014. Katrina Dillow What was the Cold War? When did it happen? Who was involved? What happened during the Cold War? The main focus of this paper is to open the realization that the Cold War was not what most people believe it to be, a short period of time when no conflicts actually took place. In reality, the Cold War took place over a period of more than 30 years and involved considerable death and destruction. What was the Cold War? This question is commonly answered, as the name implies, as a war where no fighting took place. Most people believe that the Cold War took place after the Vietnam War and ended a couple of years later and that nothing happened during that time†¦show more content†¦Kennan, who was stationed at the U.S. embassy in Moscow, was needed. After a deep analysis, Kennan stated that the Soviet Union should be dealt with patience and persistence and that the Soviet expansion should be â€Å"contained†. This advice of â€Å"containment† of the Soviet Union was to remain vague throughout the Cold War, and thus, possibly causing many unneeded conflicts. All over the world Communism spread its rule. Whether the United States was wrong in trying to stamp out the fires, is up for debate. One thing is clear, the United States did not have the power to stamp out all of the fires that had been spread. When did the Cold War Happen? The common-held belief of the Cold War starting after the end of the Vietnam War and lasting only a few years is incorrect. The Cold War really started from the end of World War II and did not end until the fall of the Soviet Union. As mentioned before, relations with the Soviet Union had been uneasy for some time, but the United States was preoccupied with World War II. When the end of World War II came, a power vacuum created by the defeat of Germany and Japan was created. With the friction between the U.S. and Soviets already present and the appearance of this power vacuum, a full on conflict emerged. This conflict would

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Depletion Of Groundwater And The Rise Of Population

The air we breathe is essential to keep us alive, the same also apply for the water. From every forms of life, the production of as little as a paper clip to as big as an airplane, everything needs water. Water covers 70 percent of the earth’s surface with 96.5 percent found in seas and ocean, known as saltwater or seawater. The rest 3.5 percent is known as freshwater which the primary source of water needed to support our life, found in groundwater and in glaciers and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland. Nonetheless, â€Å"of that small number, less than 1 percent is easily accessible for human use; most of the rest is locked up in polar ice caps or buried deep in underground aquifers that catch and hold groundwater† (Haugen and Musser†¦show more content†¦There are two major problem regarding groundwater. First, groundwater contamination which also caused by surface water contamination. Pollutants from surface water, such as fish kills, discoloration and odor, is brought downward by water travelling through soil which cause the groundwater contamination (Kenski 3). Because groundwater is less visible compare to surface water, it is hardly noticed and cleaned. Consequently, groundwater quality becomes poor and needs another long procedure to revert it back to usable freshwater. Groundwater contaminations happen around the world that contribute to world’s water shortage. Nonetheless, the main concern of groundwater is the overuse of groundwater without fast natural restore which leads to groundwater depletion. Actually, groundwater is not fairly distributed all over the world in the first place, but the whole world mostly depends on groundwater as prime source of freshwater. As the most accessible source of freshwater, we use groundwater as supplier of drinking water for half of the U.S. population and nearly 100 percent of rural population. Furthermore, more than half of agricultural sector depends on groundwater as source of irrigation. Not to mention all other use of underground, we can tell that we have been overusing groundwater. Thus, if

Midsummer Nights Dream Act5 Scene1 Free Essays

Midsummer Night’s Dream: To what extent does ACT5 Scene1 present a harmonious â€Å"New World†? Act 5 Scene 1 is considered to be a harmonious â€Å"New World†, not forgetting that we have just left the â€Å"Green world† with all the mischief and fairies all around. This would make us question is the green world really gone? And is the new world really all that â€Å"Harmonious†? Act 5 Scene1 is the resolution of the entire play. At the start of It is obvious that the harmonious â€Å"New world† is present, with all the arguments and lovers falling out with one another and falling in love with someone else, all that has been left behind. We will write a custom essay sample on Midsummer Nights Dream Act5 Scene1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Usually, characters who return from the Green world back into the new world discover that all their problems have been resolved and any past mistakes they have made, they will learn from. Lysander and Hermia and Demetrius and Helena all marry, this would be interesting because in a â€Å"New World† multiple marriages suggest that there is social harmony. On the other hand none of these marriages are shown on stage in front of the audience and just reading the play we only hear about the marriage taking place and are taken straight to the celebrations of the evening. This would allow us to think that if all the marriages taking place are legitimate and doesn’t really portray a harmonious feel,its just leaves us confused on the reason â€Å"why†. All shown above supports Frays theory on the â€Å"New World†, but how true is this love between the Athenians in the â€Å"New World†? Demetrius is still under the Love Juices influence that was placed on his eyes during Act3 Scene1, and is under the impression that he is in love with Helena, so much so, that he has married her. Now we are left with the nagging thought of: if the â€Å"green world† i. the fairies didn’t interfere with Demetrius’ inner feelings and mind, would he still be â€Å"in love† with Hermia? And would Act5 Scene1 be really that â€Å"Harmonious† taking into consideration that it was the help of the â€Å"Green World† that allowed this â€Å"new world† to happen but its interference is still present. So ho w far has the problems from the â€Å"Green World† been resolved? Because surely if everything had been resolved Demetrius would’ve naturally fallen in love with her without the interference of Puck and Oberon. At the start of Act5 Scene1 Hippolyta notes to Theseus that the young Athenian lovers story is strange but Theseus seems to dismiss this idea with â€Å"More Strange Than True†. Theseus makes the connection between the wild imaginations of the lovers, lunatics and poets, all of which fit in nicely with the idea of fantasies. With the lunatics imagination in play turning heaven into hell, thinking they can see devils everywhere. Lovers’ being just as crazy seem to think that shaping Helena’s face in the â€Å"brow of Egypt† makes her beautiful. The poet on the other hand creates entire worlds from â€Å"airy nothing† of imagination. This could be considered god like, meaning we have no real control over what happens. The formality of Theseus’ words changes. From being a man with the voice of reason, logic and law throughout the play. He uses words/phrases such as â€Å"lunatic lovers and the poet† and â€Å"imagination† all this short phrases and words you’d expect to find in the â€Å"green world† which plays around with the idea of lunatic behaviour and a great deal of imagination. Along with the change of formality in the way he speaks, he also begins to talk about animals and how the human eye can be misleading, â€Å"how easy a bush supposed a bear†. Theses opinion of the lovers, makes us really think are things in the â€Å"new world† always as they seem? And is the love they feel for their dear ones really true or in fact just an illusion which has been made that â€Å"form things unknown†. Is this really how a â€Å"new world† is supposed to be? With the easy misleading of the human eye, which could taint the ideas of true love and marriage. The mechanics play brings dancing and festive behaviour towards the end of the scene; this would support the ideas of a â€Å"New world†. The mechanics produce a â€Å"play within a play† this would highlight the illusion and reality shown throughout out the play. The character Bottom who plays Pyramus talks in rhythm and rhyme. Between lines 260-275 in the play this flowing and overwhelming of the rhythm and rhyme, would be supported in act4 scene 1 where bottom refers to himself in large amounts as â€Å"me thinks† this would demonstrate repetition and rhyme and lack of organisation within the mechanicals play. This would contradict the ideas of the â€Å"New World†, as the â€Å"new world† is supposed to be considered where all things are to be organised and shouldn’t consist of repetition of things because those would’ve been left behind in the green world. Bottom playing Pyramus is a lover who kills himself at the end of the play, this play is performed in the â€Å"new world†. Now we know that the play ends with the lovers getting married, but in this celebration death is being presented alongside it with the mechanics play. Would this play fit into the â€Å"new world† idea? Or could it be considered a sort of sign or representation that the new world isn’t always going to be filled with harmonious happiness and in fact that there will always be a harsh reality out there? Act5 Scene1 begins with the high social class of the Athenians and then it ends with the Fairies: Puck, Oberon and Titania. It is evident that the â€Å"New world† is in place because the problems that were once occurring between Titania and Oberon have now been resolved and they have now learnt from their mistakes. At the end of this act Oberon blesses the Athenians and his blessing suggests that new ideas and solutions are going to take place. The importance of children is also important because it signifies a â€Å"new world†. However there is a darker side to Oberon’s blessings. In a part of Oberon’s blessing it says â€Å"Never mole, hare-lip, nor mark prodigious, such as are, despised in nativity†. The fact that this play is supposed to end with a â€Å"happy† and â€Å"harmonious† marriage is contradicted by the short sentence in Oberon’s blessing. It shows that there is that darker side of marriage which involves children and how they should be perfect and that they should be cast aside if they have any de-formation. It could possibly be Shake spears way of telling the audience that there is no such thing as a harmonious new world and that there will always be that dark side that cannot be controlled. Marriage is supposed to be a binding before god, would the gods approve of this blessing? How to cite Midsummer Nights Dream Act5 Scene1, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Personality and Emotional Development

Personal development of every child is as important as acquisition of scientific facts and learning of the basic laws of the universe. Ability of a person to apply social-emotional skills in adulthood can be considered as a positive contribution of the system of education to it. Positive social development in a wider range of social roles and responsibilities of an individual can be reached through such personal skills and capabilities as leadership, respect to others, non-abusive behavior, and ability to negotiate.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Personality and Emotional Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An individual should respect others, be able to negotiate over certain issues, avoid verbal and physical abuse to persuade a person or display his/her emotions or ideas, and try to succeed in all activities he/she participates in. as such, all abovementioned skills can be analyzed in complex with reg ard to their close connection to each other. Family environment can be as encouraging as discouraging in terms of development of social-emotional skills of children. As such, the best qualities of the family environment that can positively contribute to the development of social-emotional skills in children include the following: Encouragement of initiatives and leadership skills in children can make them be more independent and active in their activities; Respect for decisions of children as well as other adults in the family is the key quality to developing of respect and non-abusive behavior in children; Discussion of problems openly is aimed at making children not afraid of having their own ideas and making decisions in accordance with the viewpoints of other members of the family. If parents notice some changes in the behavior of their children, they should be ready to discuss it openly within the family and with the teacher. At the same time, family environment can have nega tive effect on development of social-emotional skills. In this respect, the qualities that can inhibit the child’s development for a range of roles and responsibilities in society include lack of respect in the family to the opinion of other members. This can be seen through prohibitions and denial of a child’s own will when parents tend to decide what is ‘better’ for their children. Existence of this quality in the family may prevent a child from obtaining such social –emotional skills as leadership and ability to negotiate because he/she is taught at home to have no personal viewpoints. On the other hand, such quality as verbal or physical abuse can prevent a child from respective adults in general and those who can resemble the one who makes the child suffer from abusing. Moreover, a child can treat abusing as a norm of behavior and use it as an argument when he/she can see no chance for peaceful negotiation. In addition, physical and verbal abus e can be the reason for a number of other problems in a child’s development. Classroom environment can be really encouraging for students in terms of development of their social-emotional skills that can be further applied to a wider range of roles and responsibilities. For instance, a teacher can introduce group activities so that children could practice their leadership skills and show respect in reaching an agreement while working on the assignments.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As suggested by Slaving et al. (2003), â€Å"cooperative learning activities can be planned with groups of children at different levels who can help each other learn† (cited in Slavin, 2009, p. 46). Besides, a teacher can â€Å"create rules in the classroom that recognize positive behavior, such as co-operation, caring, helping, encouragement and support† (Elias, 2003, p. 8). At the same time, another positive quality of the classroom environment that can contribute to development of social-emotional skills is relationship between students and attitude of the teacher toward interest groups and encouraging students to make friends. Classroom environment can become the reason for problems a child encounters in terms of social-emotional development. For instance, if a teacher does not care about the relationship between classmates, children can behave in a negative manner affecting others and preventing each other from making progress. Besides, a teacher can negatively affect children in case he/she show disrespect for one of student or another teacher thus showing a vivid example. Probably, students would follow such an example and disrespecting people with no reason and abusing them verbally or physically to show them superiority would become a norm. Such theorists as Erik Erickson and Maurice Elias have contributed greatly to understanding the necessity of dev eloping social-emotional skills of children. For instance, Erik Erickson introduced a number of virtues that can be developed in a specific age; as such, competence is one of the virtues that can be developed in the age of 6-11 years and a teacher should make sure that no child feels inferior when comparing himself/herself to other children in class. At the same time, Maurice Elias presented explanation of emotional intelligence, a concept that can be seen when people try to respect each other and negotiate to reach and agreement. References Elias, M. J. (2003). Academic and social learning. Brussels, Belgium: International Academy of Education. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Personality and Emotional Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Slavin, R. E. (2009). Educational psychology theory and practice (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. This essay on Personality and Emotional Development was written and submitted by user Christian J. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.